May 18, 2010

Questions for my interview.

1. Elena, what has shaped your professional choice? (educational background, volunteering and other professional experience)
2. What helped you find your vocation?
3. Have you heard of "emotional labor" and if so, do you consider yourself performing it?
4. How stressful is your job?
5. How do you like your schedule?
6. What is your professional goals?
7. Please, describe your relationships with students and their parents.
8. How does it feel to be exposed to kids with lack of skill all the time?
9. Do you feel higher involvement with your private students (one-on-one tutoring sessions) than in class?
10. What other jobs supposed to involve emotional labor have you had? How did you do on them?
11. How absorbing is your current job? Do you have enough time/space/energy for your private life?
12. On the scale 0 to 10, how would you describe your content with your current position?


  1. 13. What do you think about implementing computer technologies in the learning process?

  2. Irka, these are all great questions. With #3, how do you think you might respond and get at it in another way if she says, "nope, never heard of it"?

    Be sure to take as detailed notes as you can!
